A heart-warming magical story about a very naughty girl, Barnileg – who one day upsets the dixey-elves and is taken to Dixeyland where she learns the error of her ways, and wins the hearts of all. But now the elves love her so much will they let her go home to her mom and dad, or will they want to keep her in Dixeyland forever? To find her way home, Barnileg must first use a little magic of her own!
If you have met a dixey-elf
You’ll know they love to dance
Under the light of a full moon night,
Whenever they get the chance:
They come abroad to the land of men
To dance and laugh and play.
And that’s how Barnileg met the elves
One warm midsummer day
In Farmer Adams’ hayfield
Where she too had come to play —
Though her kind of fun, would upset anyone
Who happened to get in her way! —
And there she’d left an awful mess
That got in the way of their fun;
The elves were most unhappy when
They saw what she had done!
And when they lay their eyes on her
They knew, without a doubt,
That this was Barnileg – who they
Had all heard all about!
Written completely in rhyming verse.
Written and illustrated by D.B. Welloh.
Website designed and developed by D.B. Welloh.